AIRLINE Modeling
Post Installation Checklist
Post Installation Checklist
Buy LO & Sell HI - Optimal Strategy
Buy LO & Sell HI - Optimal Strategy
X12-ARIMA in NumXL Techinal Note
X12-ARIMA in NumXL Techinal Note
The Ins and Outs of Histograms
The Ins and Outs of Histograms
ARMA Unplugged
ARMA Unplugged
Volatility 102
Volatility 102
Volatility 101
Volatility 101
Keep up with the trends
Keep up with the trends
Backward Forecast
Backward Forecast
ARIMA to the rescue
ARIMA to the rescue
Data Preparation - Concentration of Values
Data Preparation - Concentration of Values
Data Preparation - Stationarity
Data Preparation - Stationarity
Missing Values
Missing Values
A Correlogram tale
A Correlogram tale
ARCH Test Explained
ARCH Test Explained
Text Book Example - Airline Passenger Data
Text Book Example - Airline Passenger Data
NumXL Cookbook - Volatility Forecast With GARCH
NumXL Cookbook - Volatility Forecast With GARCH
White-noise test
How do I test whether a given time series is just a white‐noise?